CAN interface broken

I have multiple ODrive Pro controllers connected to the same CAN bus, but I’m facing an issue with one of them:

  • Setup: ODrive A, B, and C are on the same CAN bus.

  • Working Behavior: ODrive A and B communicate normally; I can send and receive data.

  • Issue with ODrive C:

    • I can move the motor via USB, but it does not send or receive data on the CAN bus.
    • It does not work whether it is connected alone or with A and B.
    • It does not work when swapping the cables from A or B to C, ruling out a wiring issue.
    • Changing its CAN ID to match A or B (and A or B to C) does not make it work, while A and B still function with the swapped ID, ruling out a software issue on the PC side.
    • It is running the latest firmware, same as A and B. (config is also the same except for motor calibration and CAN id of course)
  • Most importantly I measure 0V across CANH and CANL for Odrive C while I get good voltage across for the other Odrives that are working (Only one Odrive on the bus at a time while measuring that) - If no CAN wires are connected and I power it using usb I get a voltage to gnd but not across H and L.

So I believe that is an issue with the Odrive?

Hi! Very interesting, okay. Can you post a picture of the top and bottom of the board? Sketching out your wiring diagram would also be very helpful.

  • every odrive also has a thermistor and a RS485 ENCODER. One odrive also has a 120 ohm resistor plugged in to the second can port.
  • in reality the power and the can lines are unshielded and run together for the 1m

here is the picture of the board

Thanks for the help !