I’m trying to communicate in CAN using a Teensy with the ODrive Pro. When I send heartbeat (configured via Odrive GUI), the Teensy receives nothing. I’ve tried to send data to the Odrive but it doesn’t seem to receive them. To get a better idea, I took a look at the oscilloscope to see what was happening with the ODrive alone (measurement on CANH and CANL) and I got no output voltage despite the heartbeat being activated. I don’t understand why this isn’t working, although I seem to have followed the tutorial correctly.
I connect the CANH, CANL and ground (not the 12V as I supply via the + and - terminals with a battery). I also put the switch on CAN TRM since the ODrive is at the end of the communication.
On ODrive GUI, I’ve set the correct battery data, activated the CAN interface, set the bitrates to 250000bits/s and sent the heartbeat every 100 ms (I’ve also tried other values but they didn’t change anything).
I also checked the encoded parameters via Odrivetool and they corresponded to what I had set on the ODrive GUI.
Is there a step I’ve forgotten? Does anyone have an idea of what I can try to get data via CAN?