this is my first post as well as it is my first interaction with ODrive and the development of an application with electric motors. Please be patient with me
First of all my setup:
Powersupply set to 22.9 V
Odrive Pro
Motor: 57BLF03, 24VDC, 3000RPM (https://www.act-motor.com/uploads/57BLF03.pdf)
Web Gui Settings:
Motor-Settings:- Type: High Current
- Pole Pairs: 4
- KV: 125
- Current Limit: 10
- Motor Calib Current: 10 (same issue with less Amps)
- Motor Calib Voltage: 8
- Lock-in spin current
- Usage of thermistor disabled
Control Mode:
- Ramped Velocity Control
- Ramp Limit: 10
- Soft Velocity Limit: 10
- Hard Velocity Limit: 50
- Torque Limit 0.5Nm
Hall Sensors connected to Odrive
When walking through the setup process the calibration phase seems to work fine. The motor slowly accellerated several time and finishes without any errors (however: I can feel, when touching the motor, that it “snaps in” in positions during calibration).
After that I go to the dashboard and use the velocity control, the motor starts “spinning” but it nearly jumps in discrete steps in positions and seemingly tries to overcompensate this movements and jumps back to the previous decision. It seems to wobble oder jitter forward.
As it is difficult to describe, i have uploaded a video to youtube: https://youtube.com/shorts/Kh8m3PWekIs?feature=share
I will really appreciate any help on how to acheive a smooth turning of the motor.
Btw: Using a different (no Odrive) Motor Controller like this (ACT MOTOR Treiber fĂĽr BLDC-Motoren | Treiber / Controller gĂĽnstig kaufen | reichelt elektronik) the motor operates smoothly and without any visible nor sensable jittering.
Thank you very much,
best regards