Odrive Pro Anticogging parameters

Hey all,

I have a 2-axis force feedback joystick build that I have up and running with Odrive pro’s and RMD-X8 PRO 1:9 motors. Its working great, but whats key to it performing at peak is minimising cogging wherever possible.

I have done the anticogging calibration with a default set of suggested parameters from the docs (same settings recommended for the 8 pole NEMA 34), however I want to do some experimentation on settings. The problem is disassembling my stick each time to run the process is a bit of a headache!

I was hoping someone had some guidance on setting selection to minimise the trial and error I might need to go through? :slight_smile:

Hi! You could do a cogging test by moving the motor in velocity control and measuring velocity ripple. I made a script to sweep across anticogging parameters (worth running overnight – takes a while!) and then another one to plot the resulting cogmaps. It also captures velocity data – you could add a heuristic such as RMS ripple to find the best anticogging solution. Though I think there’s probably better heuristics – e.g. giving the motor a torque impulse to spin up a bit, then letting it spin down at zero torque and measuring the RMS velocity ripple as it coasts to a stop. But that might not work so well depending on your system’s friction

Here’s my messy scripts, definitely worth modifying for your needs.

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Great idea thanks! Appreciate the existing code as its well outside my capability to mock that up from scratch. Ill have a play around with this and see what I can come up with :slight_smile:


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Thank you :pray: