Odrive S1 and Hoverbaord Motor ILLEGAL_HALL_STATE

I’m working with Hoverbaord Motors and an Odrive S1.

I selected Botwheel and Hall encoders in the GUI and keep getting ILLEGAL_HALL_STATE when running the callibration sequence.

I connected following wires from the encoder

Red - 5V
Black - GND
Yellow - HALL A, 21
Blue - HALL B, 22
Green - HALL Z, 20 EDIT: I think this was the problem. supposed to be connected to 'HALL C"

Just to make sure I even tested two different pairs of Hoverbaord motor - same result

This is the error:

“fw_version”: “0.6.6”,
“commit_hash”: 307587176,
“product”: “5.2.0”,
“active_errors”: 0,
“active_errors_str”: “NONE”,
“disarm_reason”: 0,
“disarm_reason_str”: “NONE”,
“procedure_result”: 10,
“procedure_result_str”: “ILLEGAL_HALL_STATE”,
“last_drv_fault”: 0,
“internal_issues”: 0

Any ideas what might be the issue or where to start troubleshooting?

Have you added filter capacitors on the inputs on the ODrive? I’m not sure if they are needed on newer versions but I needed them on my 3.6 board

as indicated by @Nicholas_Schneider in this thread they are not needed on the S1


i am also facing the same issue.
It would be helpful if you could tell me a solution other than installing a capacitor.

This is what it looks like when I plot raw_hall_state in the GUI and i turn the motor by hand. looks fine to me…or not?

ok…looked at it with fresh eyes today and connected my green encoder wire to “HALL C” and the calibration finishes.

I connected it to ‘ENC0 Z’ because the green wire was connected to a ‘Z’ pin in the old Hoverboard guide for the odrive 3.X …

I think my issue is resolved…still looking forward to a updated Hoverbaord guide!


i am also facing the same issue.
It would be helpful if you could tell me a solution other than installing a capacitor.

to which pins did you connect the hall sensor?