Hi, I’m using the ODrive Pro board, which communicates with an Arduino via CAN bus. I already did all the configuration and calibration of the board via odrivetool, but since I am also using the anti-cogging calibration, I had to turn on the absolute_setpoints to use the onboard encoder. Because of this, every time I reboot the board I have to set the pos_estimate as such:
odrv0.axis0.pos_estimate = odrv0.onboard_encoder0.raw
Otherwise I get MISSING_ESTIMATE error when the Arduino tries to send the commands to the ODrive. Is there a way to send this command via CAN bus with the Arduino? That way the ODrive can work without having to be using a computer nearby.
I saw you can use the function setAbsolutePosition(), but I don’t know how to get the odrv0.onboard_encoder0.raw
Thanks in advance!